This guidance document addresses the recommendations regarding the information and documents to be provided in a submission package to properly identify and characterize the feed ingredient under evaluation. It is related to the ICCF Guidance Document on manufacturing process and specification. This guidance document differentiates the recommendations, based on the manufacturing process of the feed ingredient.
This guidance document is accompanied by the check list to be used in connection with the guidance document. This check list may be used by the applicants, when gathering the relevant information for a feed ingredient.
Suggested citation:
ICCF EWG ‘Feed Ingredients Environmental Safety Assessment Approach’. Italiano C.1, Das M.2, Anguita M.3, Patterson R.4, Feraren Agersø M.Y.5, Arnaud L.6, Wilkins T.7, 2023. Guidance on the identification and characterization of feed ingredients. ICCF, 2023. 23 pages
1 CFIA / 2 FDA / 3 EFSA / 4 ANAC / 5 AFIA / 6 FEFANA / 7 IFIF